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Expert Video - How can non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) be prevented?

Expert cardiologists Dr. Anne Curtis and Dr. Hiroko Beck discuss how a stroke can be prevented in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF). A key factor is to prevent blood clots from forming in the heart. They discuss blood thinner medications (anticoagulants) which act to prevent the build up of blood clots in the heart. Some patients may be at very low risk for developing a blood clot related to atrial fibrillation, while others may be at very high risk. The higher the risk, the more critical it is for the patient to take and stay on blood thinner medication.

Expert Video - How can a stroke be prevented?

In this video, expert cardiologists Dr. Anne Curtis and Dr. Hiroko Beck discuss how a stroke can be prevented. They emphasize that it is important to treat any medical conditions that could be related to or cause a stroke, and to keep blood pressure (hypertension) and cholesterol levels well controlled. It is very important that people who smoke should quit smoking. Following a healthy lifestyle can lower the risk of stroke, such as healthy eating choices, maintaining a healthy weight and being physically active.