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Expert Video - What newer medications are available to prevent stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation?

Cardiologists Dr. Anne Curtis and Dr. Hiroko Beck describe the new medications that are available for the prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation. The newer blood thinners (anticoagulants) are very simple to use, don’t require blood test monitoring, and the dosage is set from the start. It is important to always work with your doctor to manage your condition and take your medications as prescribed.

Expert Video - What lifestyle changes help manage atrial fibrillation and prevent stroke?

Expert cardiologists Dr. Anne Curtis and Dr. Hiroko Beck discuss important lifestyle changes to help manage atrial fibrillation and reduce the risk of a stroke. They emphasize the importance of quitting smoking, keeping hypertension and cholesterol under control, treating sleep apnea, exercising regularly, and maintaining a healthy diet. In addition, always work with your doctor to manage your condition and take your medications as prescribed. Tell your doctor if your symptoms are getting worse, or if you have new symptoms. Some people with atrial fibrillation may not even notice that they are having an episode – so it is critically important to stay on your medication so that if you have silent episodes of atrial fibrillation you don't put yourself at risk of having a stroke.

Expert Video - What are the triggers for atrial fibrillation?

In this video, cardiologists Dr. Anne Curtis and Dr. Hiroko Beck talk about the different types of triggers that may bring about an episode of atrial fibrillation. Some of the triggers discussed in this video include big meals, alcohol, and caffeine. Triggers will vary from patient to patient and can be unpredictable. Recognizing your triggers and avoiding them can help decrease the frequency of atrial fibrillation episodes and lower your risk for stroke.